1 不能启动的原因理论上的分析
1. Theoretical analysis of reasons for failure to start
理论上来说, 如果按照正确的起动方法反复起动三次, 而小型汽油发电机仍不能成功起动。可能的原因有以下几个方面:
Theoretically, if the correct starting method is repeated for three times, the small gasoline generator still can not be started successfully. The possible reasons are as follows:
1 )小型汽油发电机油箱无油或油路堵塞; 油路部分堵塞, 使得混合气太稀。或因多次起动造成进入气缸的混合气太浓。
1) There is no oil in the oil tank of small gasoline generator or the oil circuit is blocked; The oil circuit is partially blocked, making the mixture too thin. Or the mixture entering the cylinder is too rich due to multiple starts.
2 ) 点火线圈有问题如短路、 开路、 受潮或接触不良; 点火时间不当或位角不对。
2) The ignition coil has problems, such as short circuit, open circuit, damp or poor contact; Improper ignition time or wrong position angle.
3 ) 火花塞间隙不当或漏电。
3) Improper spark plug clearance or leakage.

4 ) 磁电机的磁铁性变弱; 断电器白金太脏、 烧蚀、间隙过大或过小。电容器开路或短路; 高压线漏电或脱落。
4) The magnetism of magneto becomes weak; The platinum of the breaker is too dirty, ablated, and the gap is too large or too small. Capacitor open circuit or short circuit; Leakage or falling off of high voltage line.
5 ) 气缸压缩不良或气环漏气。
5) Poor cylinder compression or gas ring leakage.
小型汽油机燃油供给系零件少,结构相对简单。油机长期停用后, 机油的沉淀易造成堵塞化油器油道量孔。 所以应该先检查油路。 按下启动加浓按钮, 检查化油器供油畅通情况, 发现有燃油从化油器进气口流出, 说明化油器供油畅通; 可以不拆卸化油器, 这
The fuel supply system of small gasoline engine has few parts and relatively simple structure. After the oil engine is stopped for a long time, the oil precipitation is easy to block the measuring hole of carburetor oil passage. So you should check the oil circuit first. Press the start enrichment button to check the smooth oil supply of the carburetor. It is found that fuel flows out of the air inlet of the carburetor, indicating that the oil supply of the carburetor is smooth; It's OK not to disassemble the carburetor
也进一步说明不需要再检查集滤器是不是堵塞。 通常情况下, 对汽油机而言, 集滤器的油道容易被胶状物堵塞, 如有堵塞, 可取适量的汽油浸泡清洗后, 再用细竹签 (例如牙签 ) 疏通即可。
It is further explained that it is not necessary to check whether the filter collector is blocked. Usually, for gasoline engines, the oil passage of the filter collector is easy to be blocked by colloids. If it is blocked, soak an appropriate amount of gasoline for cleaning, and then dredge it with a fine bamboo stick (such as toothpick).